Thursday, May 23, 2013

This week in class we discussed some of the different gender roles that are in families. We explored the ideas that the tendencies we have are either God given or if it's something that we gain from things like social media and the people that we are around. Personally i believe it's both. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it says that "gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose". I think that naturally with gender comes tendencies that we have gained from our Heavenly parents. I also think that as we come to earth and grow that we are shaped by the environment and social media around us which may cultivate and have an influence on the tendencies that we have. I think that they can cause some of our natural tendencies to grow and also help us to gain new ones. I also know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and has created both males and females to be equal, this doesn't mean we all have the same exact characteristics or responsibilities, but it does mean that we each have very important roles that when put together in marriage create something that is divine and has the potential to be perfect. I am thankful for differences in roles and tendencies because it gives us a sense of self worth and importance. I am glad that as a man and woman we are not the same but are different because with the differences we have we compliment and help each other to succeed and grow by teaching each other.

Monday, May 13, 2013

This week in class we have been discussing social class and how that can effect our families. We watched some you-tube videos about different people's social classes and some of the every day things that they experience. We saw extremes on both sides from the wealthiest of people to the poorest of people. I do think that our social class has a tendency to effect our family for good or for bad but i think that the biggest factor is your outlook on life and how you perceive others because of your social class. If you have all the money in the world and because of your high social class you look down upon others this can not only effect your own life but will rub off onto your children and how they perceive others in relation to how much money they have. On the other side being poor and always coveting what others have and wishing for more can negatively impact you and your children as well. I think that the best medicine for social class and allowing it to effect your family is to create humility within you, your spouse and your children. Also instill hard work as a principle in your family. I think this will help to eliminate some of the negative effects that social class can have on your family.