Sunday, June 2, 2013

This week was a very interesting week of learning for me in class, I had a lot of interest in the topics and I feel like I learned a lot because of class discussions. We talked about dating and how traditional dating has changed and isn't want it used to be. We were told in class that the definition of dating is to go on a variety of dates with a variety of people, next you should move into the courtship stage which means that you are dating one person with assumptions of moving to marriage. After courtship is engagement which means that the couple plans on getting married at a certain time, and then you move onto marriage. Something that I found very interesting is the R.A.M. model which is the relationship attachment model. The model illustrates that it's important to know someone before you trust, rely, commit or touch someone. If this is out of balance it creates the illusion that you know someone a lot more than you really do. I found this so important and think that it is extremely important for other to know about also. I think that things are out of balance in dating and people should be more aware of the traditional values of dating.

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