Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One of my favorite talks on divorce is by Elder Dallin H. Oaks titled "Divorce". In it he says that the remedy for a troubled marriage should not be divorce but should be repentance. I believe this to be true. There are very few reasons for a divorce between husband and wife to happen, and those are the extreme exceptions. Divorce should not be a solution to your problems, in fact we learned in class just how many more problems are caused by divorce. Instead a couple should repent of their sins and be selfless in their marriage, their should be a lot of forgiveness and work to move past the struggle and have a happy successful marriage again. God wants marriages to succeed, if you are considering divorce for any reason you should counsel strongly with the Lord and not make a decision unless it is manifest to you by the spirit. I believe however that this, in most cases, will not happen and instead you will be counseled to fix your marriage. The extreme cases where divorce may be necessary are in matters pertaining to abuse and endangerment to you or your children. Again, these are the extreme cases. There is a very good video that portrays this well, taken again from the talk "Divorce" by Elder Dallin H. Oaks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK4wvSLw8qI it is a very powerful video that helps us to gain a more healthy view on marriage. I think that divorce is the "easy way out" in most cases and instead of making things easier and better it actually makes things a lot harder for everyone involved and should be avoided like the plague.

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